You can download the Madexp PMT adapter Kickstarter version manual here: manual
UPDATE 18 Feb. 2018 I’ve analyzed my home radioactive background simply leaving the MadExp PMT connected and running for 100 minutes on the table top. The result is this:
UPDATE 10 Feb. 2018 I've completed my first example of MadExp PMT adapter and it's NaI(Ti) probe. I'm making some test with it. Three audio samples was recorded with it and are listed below.
This one is my location gamma backround
This is an Am241 alpha emitter capsule from smoke detector
This is the sound of an highly active (15mSievert/h) Pechblende uranium ore
In this video you can see my first PMT test.
How to power and aquire signal of a scintillation probe?
You I need some high voltage and signal conditioning circuit! Inspired by the Theremino PMT project, I’ve decided to build my own customized version of their circuit.
My project goal is to make an all-in-one photomultiplier tube power supply and audio ADC powered by a single USB cable. The high voltage generator is regulable in the range 700-1500V with a simple trimmer.
Corrent status of the project:
- Schematic at version 2 (erros corrected)
- PCB routing ready
- First batch of PCB’s arrived from chinese manufacturer
- First complete prototype ready and working

To enlarge the schematic right click on the image and select “Show Image” or download it and zoom with your image viewer.
In order to make the CM108AH working you absolutely need to add the 47 ohm series resistors on USB D+ and D- data lines with a pull-up resistor of 1.5K from the ic’s 3,3V out to D+. I’ve lost a lot of time to understand this simple thing… but not so obvious!
This is the PCB board top layer
With my CNC engraver I’ve made some engravings to the PMT adapter enclousure… as a first test I’ve messed with the cutting deep/speed.
The video below is my first test of the circuit
First test connecting the adapter to my pc soundcard. The program is Theremino MCA, is not calibrated… I need to set each control of the MCA at the right position so I need some time for setting up it.