Bundeswehr radiation dosimeter, tactical, set 0065 B
For about 25€ I’ve find this nice militar dosimeter set. It comes from german army and it’s a nice take for the money, the box is made with wood and is methal reinforced. It’s small in size and not too much heavy. It’s looks extremly well made and solid. I’ve bought it on eBay from a military surplus seller; this item is very easy to find searching for “BW Strahlendosimeter, taktisch, Satz 0065 B”

Inside the box there is a yellow plastic charger with a light bulb that is used to read/reset to zero the dosimeter, 6 high rate dosimeters and 6 lower rate dosimeters.
This type of dosimeters are “quartz fiber dosimeter”, here you can find more info Wikipedia

The lower rate dosimeters have the range 0/50 roetgens, the high rate 0/600 roetgens.
Here is what you could see into such dosimeters. The sensibility of such devices is soo low that you hardly will see a move of the line along de scale except when the internal capacitor is discharged by self losses and need to be re-zeroed by the charger.