DTL logic family


“For me, the first exam at the university this year will be ‘Logic Networks’. Given my passion for electronics, how could I resist the challenge of implementing a logic gate family from scratch? Here it is, Diode Transistor Logic the Flintstones way! Let’s go with DiTieL

  • 2N2222 NPN
  • 1N4148 diodes
  • 1kOhm resistors
  • 10kOhm resistors



NOT, AND, and OR gates combined together can create any kind of combinational logic circuit. As an example, I’ve tried to make an EX-OR gate.

This basic implementation works, but it has some major drawbacks, specifically in the port couplings and output driving stages. I soon found that using complementary NPN and PNP transistors solves these problems.

Part list updated:

  • BC547 NPN
  • BC557 PNP
  • 1N4148 diodes
  • 1kOhm resistors
  • 10kOhm resistors

Measurements confirm that this implementation is more efficient than the single 2N2222 version in terms of power efficiency.


